How to Plan a Wonderful Waterfall for Your Backyard

You’ve been thinking about it for years, haven’t you? But you’re just not sure where to begin or how to get a backyard waterfall that’s as nice as some of those you’ve seen at your friends’ and neighbours’ homes.

Whether or not you have an in-ground pool, a waterfall is a great way to add yet another dimension of enjoyment to your yard. From the calming sounds they create to the natural look they can add to your landscape, waterfalls are a treat of sight and sound whether you’re relaxing on your own or entertaining guests.

To start you thinking about how to have the right waterfall for your yard, here are some things to consider.

1. Flat Yards Can Have Waterfalls Too

If you think your yard is too flat for a waterfall, think again. A berm can be built to give your waterfall the elevation and surroundings it needs for a more ‘natural’ setting, especially if it leads to a garden pond.

2. Rock Water Falls or Sheer Descent?

You can create a waterfall that looks as if it was transplanted into your yard from the middle of a forest, or you can go for a more contemporary look of a sheer waterfall into your new or existing pool or spa. Sheer waterfalls flow in a clear arc of water and are adjustable from producing a silent ‘sheet’ of water to a more pronounced rush of water.

3. Location, Location, Location

When thinking about where to place your waterfall, think about spots where you’ll be able to see it from inside the home too.

4. Softscaping

In addition to the drops, twists and turns your waterfall will make, remember to plan the plants and landscaping around your falls to make it look like it’s been there forever.

So stop thinking about it. Make 2017 the year you finally install the waterfall you’ve always wanted in your backyard.

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