Hot Tub Tips for New Owners


If you recently bought a hot tub for the first time, congratulations! You are now a hot tub owner! Hot tubs are amazing assets to a home and can help enhance an outdoor space. They are great to use during any season since you can keep them open year-round. 

But, there are a few things you should know as you purchase your first hot tub. 

Have a Consistent Maintenance Schedule 

Hot tub maintenance is necessary. You have to make sure the chemicals are balanced and that the tub stays clean. It’s important to develop a cleaning schedule when you purchase the hot tub to help ensure it stays in tip-top shape. 

Keep the tub sanitized, especially if it is used frequently; check for any damage inside and outside the hot tub, and monitor the temperature of the water. Doing these steps 2-3 times a week will make it very easy to maintain your brand new hot tub. 

Invest In A Good Hot Tub Cover 

If you are spending time maintaining your hot tub, make sure it stays covered when you are not using it. Not only will the water stay at a proper temperature, but it will also be protected from outdoor factors. Snow, leaves, and rain will not get into your tub and potentially damage it if you use the cover. 

The cover can also prevent any accidents from occurring. You don’t want anyone to fall into the tub, or pets, or anything else for that matter. Once you have your cover, make sure you also take good care of it, as it is the door to your hot tub in a sense. 

Get to Know Your Hot Tub and Enjoy It

Make sure you familiarize yourself with the owner’s manual, controls and other requirements of your hot tub. You want to make sure you know how to use it so you can keep it running properly. Understand what the water temperature should be, where the water level should be, and the right balance for the water chemistry. 

But most importantly, you should make sure you enjoy your hot tub. You don’t want your hot tub to just sit there without anyone using it. So, enjoy it with family, have some friends over, and use it! This way, you get your use out of your quality hot tub.

If you love your new hot tub, then check out this blog on 3 Big Benefits of Installing a Swimming Pool.

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