8 Important Pool Safety Reminders

Pool safety rules to enforce

We hope you’ve been enjoying your in-ground pool so far this summer, especially during the recent Canada 150 long weekend.

As we approach the August Family Day long weekend, we thought we’d take a moment here in mid-season to remind you of some of the swimming pool safety basics so you can continue to enjoy your pool safely for the rest of the summer – and hopefully into the fall too!

1. No One Should Swim Alone

Even if you’re an Olympic swimming medallist, you shouldn’t swim alone. Accidents can happen to anyone, anywhere, including in the pool too. Except, when they happen in the pool, you can’t breathe underwater.

2. Don’t Run on the Deck

And you probably shouldn’t run anywhere near it. Decks are hard and usually wet and slippery when people are around.

3. No Swimming During Storms

The experience could be shocking.

4. Know Where all Suction Drains are Located

Make sure anyone with long hair is aware of them and stays away.

5. Keep Designated Emergency Equipment Close By

Including first aid kits and flotation devices that are only to be used if someone needs them in an emergency.

6. Check the Fence Around the Pool

Look for gaps that may have opened up through which children might get into the pool area at the wrong times. Always keep the gate to the pool area locked.

7. Always Have an Adult Present when Children are Swimming

The ‘no swimming alone’ rule doesn’t mean it’s OK if only children are present.

8. Enforce Diving Rules

Diving into pools where the water is too shallow can cause catastrophic head and neck injuries. Diving should only be allowed from the diving board, not the sides of the pool.

We hope you never have any sort of accident in or around your pool. By taking as many safety precautions as you can, you’ll reduce your chances of any happening.

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