6 Tips for Staging Your Pool to Help Your Home Sell Faster

Cleaning the pool to help your home sell faster

Yes, we know. Many realtors will tell you that an in-ground pool can actually be a detriment when it comes time to sell your home. We have two answers for that.

First, while the relators might be right, if you do find a buyer who wants a pool, they’ll be willing to pay more for a house with one already installed.

Second, it doesn’t matter. Your pool is already installed and there’s nothing you can do about it. Except make the best of it.

Just like staging your home helps visitors see it for all it’s worth, so too can staging your pool help you highlight it while the weather’s still summery.

1. Start with the Equipment Area

We tend to stash the equipment in a hidden corner of the yard. A spot where we sometimes don’t even bother to mow or trim. Well now’s the time to start if you’re selling the house. Trim back any vegetation around the equipment, use a leaf blower to get rid of loose debris and wipe the equipment with damp towel. Afterwards, take a step back and make the entire area look as good as it can.

2. Fix or Replace Anything You Can

For relatively low cost, you can install a new pressure gauge, or a pump basket that isn’t faded to make at least some of your equipment look newer. Try to fix or replace the most obvious things, like visibly broken parts.

3. Swab the Deck

Or at least pressure wash it to get rid of rust stains and any other visible marks. Check cement cracks and joints for weeds and get rid of them. You might want to add a bit of a sheen by coating the deck with pool deck sealer.

4. Clean the Pool

This is an obvious one. If there’s any time you want the water to sparkle, this is it.

5. Check your Landscaping

It might be a bit late in the season to plan anything, but trim shrubs around your pool and get rid of dead or dying flowers and plants.

6. By Yourself a New Patio Furniture Set

First of all, they’re on sale. Secondly, a cool-looking new set might divert attention away form any signs of age elsewhere around your pool or yard. Thirdly, you can take it with you when you move.

More than being a detriment to selling your home, your pool can be the gem that swings the deal, especially if you stage it well.

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